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Various spices in glass test tubes and fresh herbs on gray background. Set of various spices and herbs flat lay
Green leaf background

Kako je Herbalife rangiran među najboljim tvrtkama za prehranu u svijetu?​

Godine 2022. Herbalife je proglašen “The #1 brand in the world in meal replacement and protein supplements combined”* i “The #1 brand in the world in active and lifestyle nutrition”**

*Izvor Euromonitor International Limited; per Consumer Health 2023ed, meal replacement and protein supplements definitions; combined % RSP share GBO, 2022 data.

**Izvor Euromonitor International Limited; per Consumer Health 2023ed, active and lifestyle nutrition defined as weight management and wellbeing, sports nutrition, and vitamins and dietary supplements definitions; combined % RSP share GBO, 2022 data.