Dr. Richard H. Carmona
Dr. Richard Carmona is the first distinguished laureate professor of public health at the University of Arizona and a professor of surgery and pharmacy practice. He also serves as the chief of health innovations at Canyon Ranch, a global health and wellness company.
Prior to joining Canyon Ranch, he was the 17th Surgeon General of the United States, having been confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate. Over several decades he has held many leadership positions in government, academics and the private sector, such as CEO of a public hospital and healthcare system.
He is a U.S. Army combat-decorated Special Forces soldier and is also a highly decorated former police officer and leader. Over the last decade and a half, he has served as a director of the McKesson Corporation, the Clorox Company, Axon Enterprises, Better Therapeutics and Herbalife. On various public boards, he has chaired nomination and governance committees and has been a member of management, audit, compliance and compensation committees. He has also served on many private boards.
His global reputation, scientific acumen, diverse leadership expertise and international connectivity make him an invaluable asset to Herbalife.