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Luigi Gratton

M.D., MPH – Vice President, Training

Chairman of the Nutrition Advisory Board


Dr. Luigi Gratton is the vice president of Training at Herbalife. In this role, Dr. Gratton is responsible for ensuring our independent distributors have a thorough understanding of Herbalife products, ingredients, and benefits. Dr. Gratton is also Chairman of the Nutrition Advisory Board, a global team of experts who help educate Herbalife distributors on health and nutrition.

He trains at events around the world, enhancing independent distributors’ knowledge about our products, and works closely with distributor trainers to ensure the dissemination of accurate product information.

Dr. Gratton has a medical degree from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical nutrition at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.* In addition, Dr. Gratton has worked as a physician specialist in family medicine and as a clinical physician at the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition in the risk factor obesity program. He also has been awarded Diplomate of The American Board of Family Practice and The American Board of Physician Nutrition. Dr. Gratton enjoys running, biking, hiking and swimming. His favorite Herbalife products include Herbal Aloe Concentrate, Herbalifeline, and Herbalife24 Rebuild Strength.

*The University of California does not endorse specific products or services as a matter of policy.